Zahvalnica našoj profesorici

Dear Mrs. Sedžida Hadžić,

I am writing to thank you for your termendous work and help in the first lecture given by Mr. La on the 2nd of October in your school. Without your contribution, we couldn’t have made the success. I think that will bring a bright future for our cooperation.

By the way, would you please give me the email address of the pricipal. Mr. La wants to write to her to express his thanks.

Many thanks again, and the best wishes,


Confucius Institute @ University of Sarajevo


Poštovana gospođo Sedžida Hadžić,

pišem vam u znak zahvalnosti za Vaše izdvojeno vrijeme za rad i pomoć za prvo predavanje gospodina La održanog 2. oktobra u Vašoj školi. Bez Vašeg doprinosa, mi ne bismo uspjeli. Mislim da će to donijeti svijetlu budućnost našoj saradnji.

Usput, možete li mi poslati email adresu direktorice škole. Gospodin La želi i njoj iskazati svoju zahvalnost.

Mnogo hvala i sve najbolje,


Confucius Institute @ University of Sarajevo

Najnoviji članci
