Our Students Engage in a Thought-Provoking Book Discussion with American Ambassador Michael John Murphy

On March 6, 2023, a group of high school students gathered in the school’s amphitheater for a unique opportunity to discuss the critically acclaimed book “The House On The Mango Street” with the American ambassador, Michael J. Murphy. The book, written by Mexican-American author Sandra Cisneros, has become a classic in American literature for its poignant portrayal of a young girl’s coming of age in a poor neighborhood in Chicago.

The conversation, organized by the school’s English department, was a thought-provoking and engaging event that allowed the students to explore the themes of identity, culture, and social inequality that are central to the book. The students were well-prepared and had insightful questions for the ambassador, delving into the book’s themes and connecting them to current social issues. One student asked the ambassador about the role of literature in his life, while another asked about what ability in life the ambassador felt was very necessary in life.

They also mentioned how their identities were shaped by various factors, such as their family background, culture, and personal experiences. They talked about the ways in which their identities might be perceived by others and how that perception could impact their sense of maintaining association with their environment.

The students shared their thoughts on the topic of belonging, with some saying that belonging meant feeling connected to the people, culture, and values of their country. Others shared that belonging meant being accepted and included in their communities.

During the discussion, the ambassador emphasized the importance of cultural understanding and respect for diversity in creating a sense of belonging for everyone, regardless of their background or identity.

Mr. Murphy encouraged the students to continue to deal with literature and culture, but also to start looking at things outside the mold that was set for them through nationalist divisions and the media. He pointed out the importance of empathy and understanding in creating a more just and equitable society, and urged them to be active participants in the world around them.

The event was a success, showcasing the power of literature and culture to foster understanding and empathy. The students left feeling inspired and empowered, with a renewed appreciation for the importance of engaging with diverse perspectives. The school principal, Mrs. Amra Čolić and the English department thanked the ambassador for his visit and expressed their hope that events like this would continue to inspire and engage their students in meaningful discussions.

Overall, the event was a testament to the importance of education in promoting empathy and understanding, and demonstrated the potential of literature and culture to connect us all.

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