From Page to Stage English Creative Club’s Stunning Adaptation of ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Jane Austen

23rd March 2023, the amphitheater of Third gymnasium was filled with excitement and anticipation as the English Creative Club students and their professor Sanja Salihović enchanted the stage with their rendition of the classic novel, “Pride and Prejudice”, written by Jane Austen.
As the lights dimmed, the audience was transported back to the world of Regency-era England.
The talented cast brought to life the iconic characters of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy along with the rest of the Bennett family and their acquaintances. From the grand balls to the tension￾filled moments between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, the performance was a masterful portrayal of Jane Austen’s timeless tale.
The cast’s impressive acting skills were further highlighted by authentic period costumes and detailed set design, which added to the authenticity of the performance. The music and choreography also added a dynamic element to the production, with graceful dance routines and stirring piano accompaniments.
As the story unfolded, the audience was completely engrossed into the performance, with moments of laughter, gasps, and delight. The cast’s dedication and hard work paid off as they flawlessly carried out the complex dialogue and emotional moments of the play.
Professor Salihović, without whom the play would not have been possible, expressed her pride in the success of her students. “I am extremely proud of the hard work and dedication that the English Creative Club students put into this production. Their diligence, perseverance and talent are truly on display in this incredible performance,” she said.
The audience was equally impressed, with many praising the students for their exceptional acting and the overall production value of the play. “The show was just amazing,” said one attendee.
“The main cast brought the characters to life in a way that was both entertaining and moving.”
All in all, the English Creative Club’s production of “Pride and Prejudice” was a triumph of both talent and hard work. The cast and crew’s dedication to their craft shone through in every aspect
of the performance leaving the audience thoroughly impressed and enthralled.
It was a truly unforgettable theater afternoon that will be remembered for years to come.
-Izeta Redžepi, IV2

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